Lifting a four-minute nugget out of an instrumental LP probably isn’t the best way to get a feel for the big picture of the artist’s vision. But this leak has me eagerly anticipating the Aug. 3 release of El-P’s Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3 on Gold Dust.
The 15-track album contains original and remix instrumentals – including his Kidz in the Hall Drivin’ Down the Block remix. Physical copies of Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3 will include download links to the first two volumes, which were previously available only at live shows. (Though El did once give away Volume 2 a couple years back.)
And as El-P explains, this is more than some banal jumble of cutting-room material:
“its not just a collection of beats. there are transitions, breakdowns, blends… instead of throwing some shit on there and calling it a record i instead ended up crafting a record that (i think) actually makes sense sonically.”
So in that regard, it’s hard to listen to Meanstreak, a three-part suite, without proper context of the full album. But I’ll say this: It’s intense and dark and, even sans vocals, El-P sounds paranoid as ever.
ALSO: I’m headed to Chicago for the weekend, so it’ll be quiet around here (more so than usual!) for the next four days. In the meantime, enter to win that Radar Brothers CD to keep yourself entertained.
I’m very excited to hear this one, especially since I’ll be seeing him at Pitchfork in a few weeks. I also need some new hip hop to get excited about, and this, along witht the new Roots album, should do nicely.