Happy Thanksgiving.
If you’re a football fan, today is a great day. If you’re an Arizona State football fan, today is even better than great. My Sun Devils, ranked sixth in the BCS standings, go up against Southern California on ESPN tonight, a break from the usual tradition of playing Arizona the day after Thanksgiving.
A berth in the Rose Bowl is at stake, and ASU has the tiniest chance still of the BCS title game.
In the spirit of football, here’s the ASU fight song as performed by the Sun Devil marching band. I ripped this from a record I bought at a thrift store some time ago: Sun Devil Marching Band presents Fight Songs of the West.
Go Devils.
Sun Devil marching band | Maroon and Gold
Sorry about the game. I was there, and while it worked out well for my guys, I have to say that was one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. No Little Richard blog for his less than spectacular halftime show?
Doug in Chicago