Everyone’s favorite former Soul Coughing singer, Mike Doughty, is releasing Golden Delicious, the follow-up to 2005’s Haughty Melodic, on Feb. 19, again on ATO Records.
Because I haven’t heard the album, I’ll leave to an e-mail blast Doughty sent to fans describing the new record:
“Our guiding principle was something we called ‘dude theory,’ which meant that it should sound like a bunch of visualize-able dudes; a band, in other words. It was a way of keeping the music spacious.”
Fair enough. Two of the new songs are streaming at Doughty’s MySpace: 27 Jennifers and I Just Want The Girl In The Blue Dress To Keep On Dancing. If you’re a Doughty fan, you’ll recognize 27 Jennifers, which originally appeared on a 2003 collection called Rockity Roll, albeit less polished and more acoustic than this new version.
Golden Delicious track list:
1. Fort Hood
2. I Just Want The Girl In The Blue Dress To Keep On Dancing
3. Put It Down
4. More Bacon Than The Pan Can Handle
5. 27 Jennifers
6. I Wrote A Song About Your Car
7. I Got The Drop On You
8. Wednesday (Contra La Puerta)
9. Like A Luminous Girl
10. Nectarine (Part One)
11. Navigating By The Stars At Night
Mike Doughty | 27 Jennifers(from Rockity Roll)
Haughty Melodic and Skittish/Rockity Roll are available at eMusic.
ALSO: Circa 45 lives! It’d only been, like, three months since the last update. But here’s a new one, with an mp3 of Low’s Breaker (Dub Plate).
too late to get hold of this ?
low breaker dub plate mp3