The days before and after SXSW are pretty busy for Phoenix. Bands from California and the Northwest headed to and leaving Austin typically stop in town for a show since it’s on the way to where they’re going. That’s the case Viva Voce, which is taking part in SxStateside on Monday at the Rhythm Room.
Call it perfect timing then for Viva Voce and Barsuk to release the first single off the band’s forthcoming album, Rose City (due out May 26). Anita and Kevin Robinson, whom we saw kill it in the round at Celebrity Theatre in an opening slot for the Shins (in 2007, I think?), have added two permanent members but haven’t strayed far from the psych-rock vibes of 2006’s Get Yr Blood Sucked Out.
Kevin Robinson has been blogging about the making of the album, which was recorded in three weeks in a studio they built in their backyard. As for the title: “Obviously tried to make a conscious effort to keep all elements of the record based out of Portland. It’s not really a concept record, but it’ll make sense when you hear it.” I’ve never been to Portland, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy it all the same.