I’m not saying I have the power of premonition, but just yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the Soft Pack catalog while thinking to myself, “Hey, the Soft Pack is probably due for a new album soon.” Then today comes news of a new Soft Pack album. Coincidence? I think not.
“Saratoga” is the first single from said album by the L.A.-based surf-pysch-pop four-piece, titled Strapped and due out on Mexican Summer on Sept. 25. The album follows up the band’s excellent self-titled full-length debut from 2010.
The song hits a groove from the second you push play – that bassline is worming its way into my subconscious – but you have to dig a little deeper to pick up the faded vocals of singer Matt Lamkin, who gets right to the point in detailing the wreckage of a relationship gone wrong: “Would you be kind enough to find the time to return all the time that I spent right beside you?” But don’t let that be a buzzkill for the song’s summery vibes.
The band announced fall tour, which includes a stop in Tucson on Sept. 22, but there is no Phoenix date.
Strapped track list:
1. Saratoga
2. Second Look
3. They Say
4. Tallboy
5. Bobby Brown
6. Chinatown
7. Ray’s Mistake
8. Oxford Ave.
9. Everything I Know
10. Head on Ice
11. Bound to Fall
12. Captain Ace