So maybe Flying Lotus didn’t stroll in for Friday’s festivities at the Hidden House, but Zilla Rocca and Curly Castro still put on a ferocious show, winning over fans with a tightly prepared and professional set.
You know how, like, 89 percent of rap shows are a clusterfuck of towel-waving hype men and a ragtag set of songs? This wasn’t like that at all. Castro and Zilla hit the stage with a definite purpose. If there’s one (humbling) thing I learned hanging out with these guys for two days, it’s that I have a long way to go in keeping up with hip-hop’s rich culture – past and present. Whatever I thought I knew, they inspired me to keep digging.
And it’s hard to illustrate what I appreciate in their intensity and preparedness much better than what comes across in this video I took on my digital camera. Don’t tell me you’re not feelin’ the drop at about the 39-second mark … “There’s nine rappers I actually relate to / the rest are a waste of my time.”
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