I’m embarrassed to admit it’s been almost two months since Weiss, an A&R man disguised as one of my favorite bloggers, sent out an e-mail to promote The Slow Twilight, the new release from 5 O’Clock Shadowboxers – a collaboration between Zilla Rocca and Fresh Cherries From Yakima’s Douglas Martin. (You may remember Zilla and Douglas as past contributors to the I Used to Love H.E.R. series, both of them loyal Wu-Tang devotees.)
Why embarrassed? Because after one spin of The Slow Twilight – available as a free download at Zilla’s Clap Cowards – it’s evident I’ve slept on one of the more enticing hip-hop releases of the year (and here I’ve been complaining about what a slow year for hip-hop it’s been). As I let my thoughts fully form on the album, I point you in the direction of Zilla’s insights on the creation of The Slow Twilight, a creative and technological marvel birthed by two talented dudes who have never met. (I can tell you this: No Resolution is an absolute banger.)
Check the video for Weak Stomach below:
this is a real good look, kevin. glad you’re feeling the record!