While my wife can wipe the floor with me in Guitar Hero, I kinda like my chances in the upcoming DJ Hero game. DJ Shadow, who apparently is the unofficial spokesman for the game, launched details for it on his site, along with some screen caps.
In-game characters include DJ AM and, our favorite, DJ Z-Trip, who was mum on details a couple weeks ago in an interview with KCRW but sent out an e-mail blast today:
“The past couple months I’ve been sworn to secrecy, but can now finally speak on it. I’ve been working on the new DJ Hero video game that will be coming out later this year. I’m also going to be a character IN the game! This is a big highlight in my DJ career, as it’s the first game of its kind. DJ Hero is being put together by Activision, the same people who do Guitar Hero, so this thing is gonna be mega!
But I guess we can’t really call ’em the wheels of steel anymore, eh?