Blakroc: Webisode Week 7 feat. Q-Tip

The release of Blakroc – the hip-hop collaboration project of the Black Keys – will be released Nov. 27 (that’s Black Friday), and I get the feeling it’s going to be like a modern-day Judgment Night soundtrack, which really was a trailblazer (don’t laugh … I still have it on cassette).

With a lineup that includes RZA, Pharoahe Monch (!), the late ODB and Q-Tip, it’s hard to see where this could go wrong. Check out the behind-the-scenes webisode in which Q-Tip stops in to drop a verse and the Keys’ Dan Auerbach offers some comforting words for anyone doubting the legitimacy of this project: “We’re trying to stay the fuck away from that (rap-metal).”

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