I’m still not sure if I enjoy the Julian Plenti album Julian Plenti Is … Skyscraper on its own merits or because (and I’m guessing I’m not alone here) it simply pulls on my Interpol heartstrings. For as much as I’ve listened to Interpol frontman Paul Banks’ solo album the past couple of weeks, I’ve been equally drawn back to the Interpol catalog (well, Antics, mostly … oh, how I love C’mere).
By my feeble way of thinking, it’s difficult to hear Banks’ unique voice and think anything other than Interpol. Pitchfork seemed to sum it up rather plainly and directly: “While Julian Plenti Is… Skyscraper is not as strong or as exciting as Interpol’s first two records, it is certainly a step up from their third, and makes a good case for Banks’ individual strengths within and without the band.”
The video for Games for Days, featuring Metric’s Emily Haines, is below:
Better and better after each listening…