Whew. Those year-end lists took it all outta me. Thank you all for your comments, critiques and questions. Love the discussions these lists create.
Now back to our originally scheduled programming …
Tomorrow night is Rogue Wave and Mazarin at Modified in Phoenix. So I thought I’d offer up a few goodies to get myself – and any other Phoenicians hittin’ the show – in the mood.
Today, a couple of tracks from Mazarin’s newest We’re Already There. Dodge posted on these guys a couple of days ago. So I’m just gonna ride the gravytrain here.
Mazarin | The New American Apathy
Mazarin | NE Winter
Stay tuned tomorrow for Rogue Wave’s WOXY appearance in mp3 form.
Roll call:
- Dodge has a new Postal Service track, a cover of John Lennon’s Grow Old With Me for Amnesty International’s Make Some Noise project. Before you freak out, Dodge says: “I got permission to post this song, so I’m not taking money out of anyone’s hands, they asked me to post it.”
- Chris has a new Sufjan Stevens track here from I Am The Resurrection: A Tribute To John Fahey. Would you expect anything less from Sufjan’s
boyfriendNo. 1 fan? - Go check out Robot Hotel. The site’s creator e-mailed me, calling it a “3-dimensional world that can be navigated through elevators, doors, and stairs.” It’s like an mp3 blog crossed with a video game. Cool stuff.
- Visit Eric at Can You See The Sunset … and encourage him to keep up the tunes. He’s a busy dad/husband/student, but we’re all better for his blog’s existence.
Promo time:
- Have you guys checked out emusic yet? You gotta do it. For starters, you can start a trial and receive 50 free mp3s and keep them when your trial is done. There’s no usage restrictions either (yeah, we’re talking to you, Steve Jobs) and the indie selection is great. A few bands whose music I’ve downloaded there: The Rosebuds, Elbow (b-sides, too), The Clientele, Spoon and Bloc Party. So go. Now. Start your trial.
just a quick note about emusic… if you visit http://www.emusic.com/compusa, you can get 100 free downloads. it rules.
Thanks for the encouragement. Your blog is totally tops and I’m looking to your for some insight into best hip-hop of 2005 since I’m no expert and (to me at least) this seemed like a “down” year.