Not sure if this has made its way around the Internets, but it looks like we have some cover art for the new Nada Surf album Lucky, due out on Barsuk on Feb. 5.

Here’s the tracklisting, via Barsuk.
1. See These Bones.
2. Whose Authority.
3. Beautiful Beat.
4. Here Goes Something.
5. Weightless.
6. Are You Lightning?
7. I Like What You Say.
8. From Now On.
9. Ice on the Wing.
10. The Fox.
11. The Film Did Not Go ‘Round.
I always love their artwork, seriously. LOVE. Elegant, evocative, perfect.
Hypothetically speaking, this album is fantastic. Hypothetically.
This is one of the greatest bands ever, and if See These Bones is any indication, this should be their best album to date.