First impressions are a bitch, and there are a few things that bother me about the first single from Death Cab for Cutie’s forthcoming album Narrow Stairs (May 13).
For starters, releasing a lead single that is 8 minutes, 35 seconds is slightly off-putting, not to mention that the first four minutes consist of just an instrumental build-up (great bass line, though). Then after waiting through said four-minute build-up, Ben Gibbard’s too-pretty voice feels like a bit of a letdown. It’s far too dramatic of an introduction for Gibbard to sustain. I have to wonder if I’d ever sit through this song again if it were on my iPod.
Then there’s the matter of the actual title of the song: I Will Possess Your Heart. G-g-g-g-aaaaah. I wanted to argue with a friend who once said Gibbard’s word choices always seem just too perfect, everything is just so. But now I’m going to have to agree. I Will Possess Your Heart. What’s wrong with I Will Own Your Heart? Or even I’ll Own Your Heart? I Will Possess Your Heart. God damn it. That is just way too precious for its own good.
Again, I love the bass line, and the piano flourishes flesh out the sound. But can we have a radio edit version instead?
[STREAM]: Death Cab For Cutie | I Will Possess Your Heart (Real | Windows Media)
there is a shorter radio edit version out there.
Aside from your admiration for the dramatic bass line the article is completely unfounded. Death Cab isn’t trying to please the radio audience or those with the attention span of a hummingbird. The lengthy intro sets a great mood for the song, and as Gibbard’s vocals sneak in it isn’t one bit of a letdown, but rather a perfect transition that carries the emotions of an unrequited love that turns to obsession. And if you don’t care for well crafted lyrics with a unique grammatical style, then maybe it’s better to feed your ears with kidrock or nickleback.
Good to know Death Cab’s PR flack reads the site.
Let me just say for starters, I in no way refer to this as an “article” or some official review. It’s just a few thoughts … on a blog, like every post on here. (You can even start your own!)
Second, it’s spelled Nickelback, not Nickleback. If you’re going to try to rip me, please at least spell correctly.
I’m not sure I’d call Gibbard’s writing a “unique grammatical style.” I actually like a lot of his stuff, especially on the Photo Album and Transatlanticism. I just think it tends to be overwrought and obvious. But that’s sorta the fun of this, yeah? We can disagree!
But to say I should listen to Kid Rock or Nickelback because I find fault with this one Death Cab for Cutie song is such a ridiculous and asinine conclusion to draw. So it’s Death Cab for Cutie or nothin’, huh? Death Cab for Cutie or Kid Rock? Yeah, that makes sense.
I disagree, I don’t think his lyrics sound “too perfect”. I Will Possess Your Heart sounds far better than “I will own your heart”. “I will own your heart” sounds like something a lead vocalist would scream during a metal song. I agree that the build-up, while being awesome, is too long, but there is a radio-edit already for those of us who can’t handle the wait until the lyrics. And when the song does get to Gibbard’s vocals, you really get that relaxed, thoughtful sound that Death Cab for Cutie is all about. The sound is not in the slightest describable as “too-pretty.” The song is really good, it’s intelligent, chill, and a precursor of the album that is sure to be a huge musical success.
I really don’t care what you say, death cab is uhmazing & is one of the reasons i am who i am 🙂
his lyrics and voice are beautiful.
i have the full album and let me say that it is too good. like most music ventures, the single is not a tell on how the album sounds as a whole, and this is no different. “i will possess your heart” isn’t even in the top 5 of the 11 new tracks. i hate listening to jons like you talk about things you know nothing about. also: in this day and age, why does an 8 minute single get so much discourage for being too long? “its too long for radio.” there is a radio cut but does anyone even listen to the radio anymore? i praise them for not gearing the songs toward the ever failing venue that is radio.
Let me just say that I find it rather amusing that there was a bit of a spat. hahha
Anyway, at first the long intro was a bit awkward and caught me off guard, but as I’ve listened to the song since them, I like it. It’s Death Cab. And as someone stated I like that they don’t go for the radio audience.
And I really enjoy this song. I like the name, the lyrics, the sound, the feel. It’s genuine.
COOL !!!