P.O.S. covers Pearl Jam’s “Why Go”

Although I’ve always preferred Vs. to Ten – am I alone in that sentiment? – Pearl Jam’s debut played a huge part in shaping my music tastes in high school (though I swear I could never hear Jeremy for as long as I live and be completely happy). I mean, I didn’t grow my hair grungy long like some people I know – *cough* my brother *cough* – Ten is an amazing album and deserving of its recent deluxe reissue.

That’s got people reminiscing about the record and reinventing its songs, thanks to an MTV2 project. Take, for example, Minnesota rapper P.O.S., who does an amazing one-man version of Why Go, showing off some singing chops in the process. Plaid flannel is a nice touch, too.

But, seriously, back to Vs. I still have the cassette with Five Against One printed on the tape when that was the original title. Can I get like five bucks for that on eBay?

One thought on “P.O.S. covers Pearl Jam’s “Why Go””

  1. he also has a punk band called Building Better Bombs.
    that counts as singing right?

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