Q-Tip discusses Kamaal the Abstract album

In anticipation of the verrrrrry long-awaited proper release of Kamaal the Abstract, Jive/Battery Records will be releasing daily webisodes created by Q-Tip in which he discusses each track from the album, due for release on Sept. 15.

You can get the backstory on Kamaal the Abstract – which would have been Q-Tip’s second solo release – at Pitchfork. In short, the album’s release in 2001 was shelved, only to be passed around in bootleg form in the years to come. Pitchfork is correct in calling it “one of the greatest stylistic left turns in pop history,” an album that I’ve not completely warmed to even still. But this proper release gives me good reason to have another go-round with it.

Spine Magazine recently posted a (bonus) track from the album, a song that closer resembles what we heard on last year’s The Renaissance than some of the jazzy leanings on Kamaal the Abstract.

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