At the risk of absolutely jinxing it, I’ve been exchanging emails recently with Zilla Rocca, working to extract him from Philly and introduce his talents to the Phoenix scene. If nothing else, I want to meet in person the man who can find it in his heart to name-check Toni Kukoc in a verse.
Until that day comes (late September maybe?), there’s plenty of Zilla’s material to familiarize yourself with, especially his work in 5 O’Clock Shadowboxers, the long-distance, rap noir collaboration between his rhymes and Douglas Martin’s on-point beats. (Fact: Even after releasing last year’s debut The Slow Twilight, the two have yet to meet face-to-face. Thanks, Internet, for making this possible.)
Earlier this year, the Shadowboxers unveiled Broken Clocks, an EP comprised of remixes and new cuts that’s been on heavy rotation around here.
One of the tracks, No Resolution 2 – featuring Has-Lo, Elucid and Nico the Beast – now has a 12 Angry Men-themed video companion.
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