Feb. 23: Secret Life of Painters and iSpin

I’ve got some excellent news, especially for anyone reading this from Arizona. Our local pals, Secret Life of Painters, have invited Royce and I to debut a night that I had only just started concocting in my head last week: iSpin.

In essence, it’s an iPod DJ night. People are invited to bring their iPods (or other mp3 players) to rock a 12- or 15-minute set of songs of their choosing. (Anyone without an mp3 player is welcome to use the one I will be providing for the evening.) If you got skills, there will be a mixer to fade in and out of songs.

It’s democracy for the digital age. We’re inviting anyone to show off their musical elitism in front of all to hear. Our hope is to build this into a bi-weekly or monthly gig with prizes (iTunes or eMusic gifts perhaps?) for the best sets.

We’re scratching out a design for a logo and a Web site, where we’ll post the playlists and even make some mp3s available played from those sets. For now, here are the preliminary details:

Feb. 23, 8 pm-ish at The Paper Heart. Secret Life of Painters are headlining the night then will hand it over to the MP3Js. More to come as details flow in. So if you live in Arizona, spread the word!

Major thanks to SLP. Get a taste below:

Secret Life of Painters | Fast Black Rats
Secret Life of Painters | Magnets and Energy

3 thoughts on “Feb. 23: Secret Life of Painters and iSpin”

  1. hey man, congrats and best of luck on the open iPod DJ night!! There was a brief attempt at a similar concept in Boston last year, but it didn’t go anywhere after a couple events. Hope you make it rock and it becomes a regular gig!

    You gonna have the crowd “vote” (via clapping/shouting/booing) for the best mini sets? 15 mins of DJ fame to anyone who wants it! good luck and let us know how the inaugural night goes.

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