Hi, I’m Chris from gorilla vs. bear. So, Kevin is up in Flagstaff for some reason, probably becoming one with nature or whatever those hippies do up there. So I guess I can stop playing with my Wii (get it? ha.) long enough to take over So Much Silence and post some songs that hopefully you guys won’t hate too much.
Kevin asked that I post a photo of men in a bathtub, so here’s Menomena
2007 is almost here, and here are a couple tracks from ’07 releases that, based on these first singles, might be worth seeking out. The Menomena record, out on Barsuk on January 23, 2007, is one of my most anticipated releases of next year, and this single reinforces that. It’ll be the band’s first release on Barsuk.
Menomena Wet and Rusting mp3
This band the Ponys, however, I knew nothing about. They are Matador Records‘ newest signees, and will release Turn the Lights Out on March 20, 2007. Here’s the infectious first single: The Ponys Double Vision mp3 Edit: Matador doesn’t allow deep-linking. Go here to get the mp3 from their site.