On July 12, 2005, I started this blog, an event so historic that I can’t even go back and read that first post without cringing.
To celebrate the landmark occasion of this blog’s fifth birthday, I’m teaming up with Charlie at Stateside Presents in putting on the Radar Brothers show at Yucca Tap Room on July 7, which is fitting considering the Jim Putnam-led band has been one of my favorites over the years of maintaining this site. The show is a nice warmup for the band before it embarks on a brief stretch opening for Modest Mouse. What’s more, I’ve never had the opportunity to see the Radar Brothers, whose live lineup includes guitarist Dan Iead from The Broken West.
Also on board for the birthday show are Letdownright (featuring Jim Andreas and Chris Kennedy, formerly of the great Trunk Federation, and Kimber Lanning) and Soft Drink (featuring frequent blog contributor Jason Woodbury, who will also DJ the evening).
The best part – other than the awesome bands, of course – is the cost: FREE. As always, there is no cover at Yucca.
I’ll have all sorts of posts on the bands and some undoubtedly teary-eyed words about these five years as I send my little blog off to kindergarten. I’ll also likely have a CD giveaway for the Radar Brothers’ newest album, The Illustrated Garden. In the meantime, mark your calendars and come help celebrate.
And, whether you’re new to the site or have been around since its birth, thanks for reading.
Outstanding Kevin, I’ll definitely be there!