At about the midpoint of his “holy crap”-inducing set at Saturday’s SoCo Music Experience, Girl Talk (aka Gregg Gillis) grabbed the microphone to chat with all of his new favorite fans.
“What’s up, Arizona? Man, I haven’t been in Arizona since two years ago at Modified.” Pause. Cheers. “None of you motherfuckers were there! Put down your hands!” Ooooooh, snap. Delivery: 10. Timing: 10. Relevance: 10. The Hurley hat-wearing dudes never knew what hit ’em.
In any event, Girl Talk’s set was by far the highlight of the event. It’s absolutely mind-boggling that he went on at 7:30 instead of closing the night down. No offense to headliner Cold War Kids, who were great. But Girl Talk blew just about everyone’s minds, mixing literally hundreds of songs.
Other highlights:
Entrance: Free for all!
Friend, on Cold War Kids bassist Matt Maust and his twitchy on-stage antics: “That bassist is on meth.”
Another friend, on Cold War Kids drummer Matt Aveiro, whose body — or at least his shoulders — I’ve previously compared to a coat hanger: “Why don’t they feed their drummer?”
Girl Talk eating a huge bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in VIP area after his set.
Member of Architecture in Helsinki (or, according to lame-brain host of event, Architecture FROM Helsinki) wearing J Dilla Donuts T-shirt.
Me asking Girl Talk if he’d write an I Used to Love H.E.R. contribution. Girl Talk saying he would. Stay tuned.
Cold War Kids playing Hospital Beds. That song never gets old.
Complimentary booze in VIP area.
Complimentary shrimp in VIP area. We eat so many shrimp.
In-N-Out Burger afterward at 12:30 a.m.
Oh man, that sounds awesome…saw Gregg a few weeks back here in Minneapolis and it was gold: http://www.culturebully.com/girl-talk-dan-deacon-tay-zonday-first-avenue-10052007
I have no idea why they didn’t close the night with Girl Talk. I had been waiting for him to play Arizona ever since I heard Night Ripper, and I almost gave in and drove to L.A. in September to see him at Echo. The wait was well worth it as I was lucky enough to secure a wrist band which got me on stage to go crazy during his set. Phenomenal!