With the unveiling of the Metro Light Rail in December 2008, the greater Phoenix area finally has a decent mass-transit system on which to host busker-esque performances by local musicians. (Sorry, buses just won’t do.)
Like the Black Cab Sessions, the folks behind the The Train Tracks capitalized on the novelty of public transportation in this city – The Arizona Republic has devoted an entire index to these futuristic people movers – by bringing you “raw and uncut performances from local artists.”
With 11 performances recorded, The Train Tracks is starting to (ahem) pick up some steam. (Aside: Would really love it if these videos were embeddable.) And on Friday, Miniature Tigers, one of Phoenix’s it bands (check the Daytrotter session), took their turn to play for the rush-hour crowd. I didn’t get to make it because of work, but my good friends Jay and Carrie were on hand to take some pictures of Charlie Brand and Co., the rest of which I’ve posted below the mp3.
FYI: The masked man is Rick Schaier, the band’s drummer and the brains behind Alvin Band, whose terrific song, Glowing Tree, was played by Miniature Tigers the last time I saw them.
Also, Miniature Tigers will be playing The Phix on May 15, part of a six-week tour with Kevin Devine.

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