” … Ali has filled every single requirement that I’d laid down for a good rap album this year and he’s done it in a way that seems so natural and effortless that it’s hard not to stand in awe and wonder how the hell it happened.”
Pretty convincing stuff. I’d been sitting on the first single, Truth Is, for a few days, so now seemed as good a time as any to share. After all, I have been watching The White Rapper Show, too. (Read Tom Breihan’s breakdown for more on “The Best Thing on TV.”)
While you’re listening, you may wanna check The Passion of the Weiss’ post on The 10 Best White Rappers of All Time, of which Brother Ali (the whitest of them all; he’s an albino, for crying out loud) is omitted. (EDIT: Read the comments.) But I have a hard time arguing with the No. 1 selection of El-P.
Brother Ali | Truth Is
He’s probably not on the list because he’s not white. He’s african-american man. Make sure before you write that shit. Although he is one of the dopest in any color.
Yeah…Matt’s right…though you certainly aren’t at fault for not knowing. I only found out last month. I was pretty shocked actually. I’ve seen him a bunch of times and had no idea he was really black. But he’s a black albino. thanks for the link. I’m definitely gonna’ have to check out this album. Don’t know if you’ve got your hands on it yet, but check out the new Dalek record, Abandoned Language…it’s incredible. I think you’ll really like it.
Oh yes and one more thing. Thanks for posting that said. it’s fucking awesome.