The prolific Gray Kid has posted a couple new jams on his MySpace page (streams). I’m already particularly fond of Soothsayer — check the funky, 80s-esque synth line. Oooooh!
The man who signs his checks as Steve Cooper also is playing a slew of dates at SxSW, which I will not be attending. Boo.
Onward to Gray Kid’s MySpace. Be on the lookout next week for possibly a new mp3 from Coop. I’d call it “exclusive,” but some people get a little uptight about that.
On that “exclusive” argument, it’s not worth getting into it with people ultimately. But here’s my two cents anyway. I actually worked in television broadcast news for 6 years so I know half the people who use the word in the blog world(including the “professionals” at Pitchfork) have little clue as to what it means.
A simple Google search will tell you this though:
not divided or shared with others; “they have exclusive use of the machine”; “sole rights of publication”
Yeah, you usually get that in writing before you put it to air or print as an “exclusive” and in this realm the only thing that won’t end up being publicized by someone else is an exclusive quote or interview that can’t be reposted without blatant plagerism.
Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully, my sarcasm was coming through. I don’t really care all that much who had what first or when or whatever. It’s funny, though.
Hey, that Gray Kid fella is playing with Ghostland Observatory at Noise Pop in SF. You gonna be able to make it? Hope so.