Man, today is crazy for shows in the Valley. I’ll be out at the Paid Dues Festival all day. (If an Internet connection behaves, I may even live blog it for work at riffs.azcentral.com.) The after-party show is headlined by Busdriver at Chaser’s in Scottsdale, which I’ll be at assuming I haven’t passed out by the end of the eight-hour Paid Dues show.
Also tonight: Talib Kweli at the Brickhouse in Phoenix ($35 … yipes) and the One Am Radio with Phoenix/Tempe’s own Lymbyc Systym at Modified. (And Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers at Marquee Theatre … if you’re into that kind of thing.)
If I weren’t doing the Paid Dues thing, I’d definitely be checking out One Am Radio/Lymbyc Systym. Not only is Lymbyc playing its own set, but the duo is serving as the backup band for One Am Radio.
It’s all a big lovefest that has resulted in the artists remixing each other’s work. Awwwww. I’m especially loving the One Am Radio remix of Lymbyc Systym’s Astrology Days. I mean, it feels like the remix barely retains any strains of the original. The horns warm the sound so much.
Check out a Q&A with the One Am Radio — done by this guy.
Lymbyc Systym | Astrology Days (One AM Radio remix)