Rogue Wave live in Phoenix, Part I

Thursday night’s Rogue Wave show at Modified was everything I expected and then some. Before I get to that, I gotta say what a great time I had. For starters, I met a reader (what’s up, Ben!) and Rogue Wave’s tour manager, Jamie, couldn’t have been nicer, giving me full permission to tape the show. Also thanks to Richard at Greenhouse Productions, who helped a taping newbie out with a few tips (and some tape) for my minidisc.

As for Rogue Wave, I’m telling you, people, this band is destined for big things. Their chemistry is undeniable, and it’s obvious how much they enjoy playing. There’s hardly a hint of pretension Rogue Wave and the music is almost better live than on CD, and there’s not many bands you can say that about.

Also, Zach’s voice carries very well and the sound is incredibly polished. OK, I’m done with the superlatives. But now I can’t wait to see them open for Nada Surf on Feb. 20 in Tempe.

On to the music. I was going to upload this as one large file, but I split it, thinking smaller files were a lot more manageable; I preserved any meaningful banter between band/audience.

(For the record: Recorded on a Sony MZ-10 minidisc using Sony ECM-DS70P microphone. I imported with Sony’s wav importer software for Mac and converted to mp3 using LAME.)

Part II coming at some point later today.

Rogue Wave, live at Modified, Phoenix, Dec. 15, 2005:

1. Bird on a Wire
2. Every Moment
3. Sewn Up
4. Falcon Settles Me
5. Are You on My Side
6. Publish My Love
7. Catform

9 thoughts on “Rogue Wave live in Phoenix, Part I”

  1. Thanks a ton, I love Rogue Wave and I can’t wait to give this a listen. I agree about being destined for big things I thought that since I heard their free iTunes download of “Kicking The Heart Out”

  2. Jamie was an absolute rock star and nice guy here in ATL too. I told him that night that he’d made Rogue Wave sound better in that venue than just about any other band I’d ever seen. Glad to see he did the same in PHX.

    See this band live, folks. I only wish their spring tour wasn’t opening for somebody else. They’re better than Nada Surf anyway.

  3. Thanks so much for the live Rogue Wave tracks and I agree, this band is gonna hit it big. Lucky for me, they’re coming to the San Francisco Amoeba soon for free.

  4. Hey there. Thanks for the site!

    One suggestion: if you can turn off the internal limiter (the thing that automatically regulates the input volume), you’d lose that pumping sound that happens every time the snare hits, etc.

    My minidisc player doesn’t have that feature so I don’t need to worry about it. haha.

    It means you’d have to take a moment to set a good record level, but the recordings would come out sounding a lot more natural.

    If you’d like any more suggestions or anything, feel free to drop me a line at junkathongATgmail.

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