Here’s the video for the first single from the forthcoming Silversun Pickups LP Carnavas (due out July 25 on Dangerbird Records). Directed by Philip Andelman, the video isn’t an over-the-top production, but it more grabs attention with a striking use of color (or lack thereof). It’s shot in this somewhat blurred black and white until about midway when the instruments and players are infused with random bright colors. The final minute or so gets all flashy and dizzy, matching pace with the song’s excited finish.
Meanwhile, check out Silversun’s newly redesigned Web site.
(Thanks to Ben, who helped a brother out with some coding on the video embedding. Also, visit Ben to view the video for Gnarls Barkley’s Smiley Faces.)
UPDATE: The embedded video was making for slow page loads. But, you can check out the video here.
Silversun Pickups Well Thought Out Twinkles (mp3)
WHOO! That was awesome. Thanks.
holy fuck.
That songs cranks and the video is excellent!
Wow, what an outstanding video. I love the way the color seeps in and works with the music.