Tag Archives: PAPA

PAPA: Put Me To Work (video)


I’ve been sold on PAPA since seeing them last January in an opening slot for Handsome Furs. After releasing a great EP, A Good Woman Is Hard to Find, in late 2011 – listen to it, for God’s sake – Darren Weiss (ex-Girls) and Daniel Presant are allegedly (hopefully) due to release their full-length debut sometime this year.

Presumably, “Put Me To Work” will be on that. They released the song in October and now have given it a visual companion, directed by Jonathan Hausfater, who’s also responsible for two previous PAPA videos. As noted on Buzzbands.la, the video took an inspirational cue from the ’90s Nickelodeon TV series Pete and Pete. Weiss said they wanted “to make it funny, sad, strange, and beautiful.”

See for yourself.

Worth noting: PAPA was added as support for Matt and Kim’s show on March 9 at Marquee Theatre in Tempe.

New PAPA song: Put Me to Work

papa the band

PAPA bassist and devout Lakers fan Daniel Presant surely is gearing up for the new NBA season, especially with his team reloading by adding Dwight Howard and taking Steve Nash from us in Phoenix (he looks terrible in Lakers gold … so there!).

Likewise, Presant and Darren Weiss – the principal members of PAPA – look like they have big things in store for 2013. After releasing the excellent EP, A Good Woman is Hard to Find, last year, the band will unleash its full-length debut in 2013.

“Put Me to Work,” the pulsating first single, dropped on Thursday. Stream/download below:

PAPA: Ain’t It So (video)
110 percent: Daniel Presant (PAPA) talks Lakers, Magic and more Lakers

PAPA: Ain’t It So (video)


“And like a song, she’s here and gone.”

That’s one of my favorite lines from “Ain’t It So,” the leadoff track from A Good Woman is Hard to Find, the debut EP by PAPA (previously raved about here). But breaking down Darren Weiss’ lyrics is a tough chore – you have to get past the insanely catchy hooks first to even want to do that.

Weiss told Nylon magazine of “Ain’t It So”: “Well, it’s a song about letting go of someone I feel like I probably should’ve married instead. It’s a real honest song about that feeling.”

Seems straightforward enough, though I’m not sure I have the interpretive intuition to make sense of the song’s new video, in which Weiss, clad in a pink suit, is driven around (along with an oversized teddy bear) by PAPA bassist/cabbie Daniel Presant. Along the circuitous route, Weiss stops to pick up a dog and tries to play catch with some Little Leaguers, but nobody seems to be paying attention to him. Maybe we’re riding shotgun, looking at a man taking inventory on his life. Or maybe not …

PAPA was scheduled to record new material last month, so there could be a release by the end of the year. In the meantime, you should really pick up that EP.

110 percent: Daniel Presant (PAPA) talks Lakers, Magic and more Lakers


The fifth installment of 110 percent, a series in which I talk to musicians about sports, features Daniel Presant, bassist for PAPA, one of my favorite recent discoveries who put out a fantastic EP, A Good Woman is Hard to Find, in October. Presant is a co-founding member, along with Darren Weiss (Girls), of the Los Angeles-based group, which is scheduled to record new material in June.

Presant replied to an email request for an interview, eager to share his love of the Lakers.

So where did the Lakers fandom come from? Were you born in L.A.?
I was born in New York, lived in New Jersey for two years and moved to L.A. when I was four. Darren was born and raised in L.A. and we’re both both die-hard Lakers fans.

What’s your earliest memory of the Lakers?
Probably when I went to the Forum as kid with my pops. I remember the vibe. I don’t remember the game, though I’m sure I was in awe. It was when they had A.C. Green. That’s my dream — to play at the Forum.

Your dream is to play music or basketball at the Forum?
Music. Considering I’m only 5-9, I don’t think basketball is gonna happen.

Do you play basketball though?
Oh yeah. I’m in L.A. and when friends come out from New York, we get some good pickup games going.

So the Lakers’ season ended in the second round against the Thunder. What’s your takeaway from this season? Do they need to blow this team up?
Yes. Blow it up. They need change. They need to get rid of (coach) Mike Brown. Maybe they didn’t give him enough time to implement his style, but I don’t like him as a coach. I think he’s too positive. I don’t think that’s what the Lakers need. We need a Gregg Popovich type.

Andrew Bynum is getting a lot of criticism? Should they get rid of him?
If we can get, like, Dwight Howard, then we should get rid of Bynum. But I don’t see it happening. I say keep him, but I would keep (Pau) Gasol over Bynum.

What were your expectations of the season? Did they get as far as you thought they would?
I’m a romantic. I’m always gonna look and hope for the best. But with that, I also understand that that sometimes the best isn’t necessarily a championship or anything like that. Going into the playoffs I had really high hopes. But after first round (seven-game series vs. the Nuggets), it was done.

Who’s your favorite Laker, past or present?
magicMagic Johnson because of his versatility and flash. I will say that Kobe’s work ethic is the thing I look up to most of any player.

Do you follow the Dodgers?
I’m not much of a baseball guy. I used to love the Dodgers when I was a little kid – Eric Karros and Brett Butler and all of them. I’m actually looking at this autograph I have from Mike Piazza now.

Even if you’re not a huge baseball guy, it’s great that Magic is part of the new Dodgers’ ownership group. He’s such a big figure in L.A.
He brings a winning, carefree vibe. Now look at them — they’re killing it. Obviously it’s not Magic who’s doing that. But it feels like a different aura right now.

And let me just say: Go Kings.

L.A. seems like the center of the sports universe recently.
Yeah, sorry about that (ahem, cheap shot at Phoenix).

You told me at your recent show in Phoenix that you were a Buffalo Bills fan.
Yeah, when (quarterback) Doug Flutie was on the team. I’ve always loved the bills — I never felt anything for the Giants or Jets.

There’s usually talk about L.A. getting a football team again. Would that interest you?
I went to my first football game a few months ago — Chargers-Ravens. I drove to San Diego. In terms of general vibe, nothing beats a Lakers game, but a football game is so much more epic.

One last thing, going back to the Lakers. Are the Clippers a threat to the Lakers’ recent run of success and popularity in Los Angeles?
I don’t know what’s going to happen this summer, but the Clippers have them for next season in terms of youth and talent. We don’t have a shooter on our team. That’s the big issue.

Stream PAPA’s EP A Good Woman is Hard to Find below (I’m especially fond of “Collector”):

PAPA: A Good Woman is Hard to Find EP


It might be helpful if, before I go to a show, I do a little homework on the opening band. Then I’d probably know if said band was any good. I’d also probably know if it was led by someone that’s in another fairly popular band. But then, sometimes it’s nice to be surprised. And that was the case with PAPA, which opened for Handsome Furs on Wednesday night at Crescent Ballroom.

Led by Girls drummer Darren Weiss (who also sings – a feat of coordination not often seen), PAPA had me at the first song of its set, “Collector,” which I frantically tracked down the next day. It’s part of a five-song EP, A Good Woman is Hard to Find, that was released in October on Hit City U.S.A./Psychedelic Judaism. Seriously, I want to amend the year-end mix CD I make for friends to include “Collector,” a pop earworm that winds up and really lets loose around the 2:40 mark, with Weiss working up from a whisper before hollering, “I just want to be quiet now!” It was a great moment live, and a wise choice as an opening song.

Stream the EP below and pick it up on limited-relase vinyl at Hit City U.S.A.

Here’s the video for “I Am the Lion King”: