Gray Kid offers free download of Happy Feet

For as much as I’ve talked about the Gray Kid before, I’m remiss in that I’ve neglected to mention his latest release, Vultures, released earlier this summer.

The album was inspired by the Kid reading Phaedra’s Love, a play by Sarah Kane. What I really wanted to do was read the play before I posted about the album (available at iTunes). But then I couldn’t find a copy at any of my local big-box bookstores. Then I started reading other stuff (namely, Into the Wild).

Nevertheless, that hasn’t prevented me from enjoying Vultures, an album rich in narrative and instrumental texture. You would swear this isn’t the same guy who’s happy to let you know about his, um, junk (Like a Comet) on … 5, 6, 7, 8. That’s versatility, friends.

The Gray Kid is offering up one of the albums tracks, Happy Feet (feat. Chris Garneau), as a free download at his MySpace page until Monday, at which point, he says, he will provide another track.

If you’re wondering, the mp3 is a 192 kbps file. Go get it.

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