Good lord. If I could actually process what Busdriver says in his rapid-fire delivery, I might have a better idea of what this new single, Ellen Disingenuous, is about (via Urb Magazine blog; thanks to Chris for pointing it out.).
I actually considered running it through audio software and slowing the tempo to try to write down the lyrics. When I listen to Busdriver I wonder how one discovers he or she has this talent – the ability to not only rap at warp speed but to make sense and make a point at the same time.
We can at least take our time to absorb that awesome cover art.
Busdriver | Ellen Disingenuous
thanks for this post.
if you ever figure out the lyrics, post them…
yes Busdriver is incredible at what he does! Love the song and hope someone posts some lyrics lolz. I can only catch about 60% of the song.