The Broken West on KCRW (one-song teaser)

Today we are off for a weekend jaunt to Rocky Point, Mexico, with friends to celebrate my wife’s 30th birthday, which was on the 17th. We’re even taking this guy’s woman. Woot! The plan is to drink some beer, some tequila, beer, tequila, then some beer. And maybe swim. And read. Though maybe not in that order. I bought Game of Shadows, as if I needed any more reason to question Barry Bonds. (Quickly on the topic of sports books: Read Jack McCallum’s :07 Seconds or Less. Highly recommended.)

Anyway, I recorded the Broken West’s session on KCRW from Thursday morning but didn’t have the time to split it up and what not. But I’ll leave you with one of the tracks, Brass Ring. (Please note, the somewhat sudden fadeout came from KCRW, not me.) Sorry, but we’re in a hurry to get the heck outta dodge.

There’s a chance I’ll try to post the rest over the weekend, but there’s also a chance I’ll have no desire to even look at a computer. Happy birthday to my wife! 30 is the new 20 … or something.

KCRW set list:
Down in the Valley
So it Goes
On the Bubble
Hale Sunrise
Big City
Brass Ring

  • The Broken West | Brass Ring (live on KCRW)

The Broken West: Live at SXSW

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