It seemed like just a matter of time before Grizzly Bear’s precious Veckatimest was mined for sampling purposes. Unless I missed something, looks like Kidz in the Hall won the race to be first.
As part of a free EP coming out on Dec. 8 — Professional Leisure Tour — Naledge and Double-O tap the fairly obvious choice, Two Weeks, for a track called The Grizzly Man.
Piggybacking on Grizzly Bear’s wave of popularity is a smart idea, if not a little forced. Naledge’s rhymes sound a little clunky over the sped-up tones of the familiar piano loop. But Double-O makes great use of the vocal hooks an an intro and bridge between verses.
(via OnSmash)
New Kidz in the Hall: Flickin’
Video: Kidz in the Hall fight in Tempe
It was sampled and mixed with a dead prez song before
There are 3 songs that were mashed up with Lil Wayne vocals out there called “Veckaflyest”
It has come full circle, Grizzly Bear borrow the piano from Dr. Dre (Still D.R.E.) then it starts getting sampled…brilliant!
Still D.R.E.