The New Pornographers on NPR’s Live Concert Series, Part I

I must be slippin’. This one almost flew right past me. NPR’s All Songs Considered has made available Monday’s The New Pornographers and Belle and Sebastian show from the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C., available for download here.

This is especially nice for me because this tour is skipping Arizona: straight from Austin to Los Angeles. Sigh. Phoenix, nothing more than a rest stop on the way. So, again, thanks to All Songs Considered.

As is custom around here, I’ve split the one file NPR provides into separate tracks. My slicing excludes chatter (only to keep files to a manageable size). So if you’d like it all in full, I encourage you to visit All Songs Considered to pick up the full file.

A note about the show: No Neko (I hear she has some sorta new album out or something). And vocalist Kathryn Calder had laryngitis. Still quality stuff, including my one of my favorite New Porno songs The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism.

Another note: I’m not the biggest Belle and Sebastian fan. I’d have to really be swayed (read: bribed) to work on that one.

The New Pornographers, NPR’s Live Concert Series, 3/6/06:

1. Twin Cinema
(note: Stick through this: The sound gets equalized after about the first minute or two.)
2. Use It
3. July Jones
4. Jackie
5. Graceland
6. From Blown Speakers
7. The End of Medicine

Also …

Don’t forget about the Ian Love CD giveaway!

8 thoughts on “The New Pornographers on NPR’s Live Concert Series, Part I”

  1. gotta love the npr live series! i’m looking forward to hearing this show; i’ve been hooked since hearing the decemberists through the same concert series. yeehaw for npr!

  2. Thanks Kevin and NPR. I love the New Pornographers sound. I also have their live concert mp3’s from KEXP — another wonderful public radio station.

  3. I was at this show, they sounded great but it was as if someone just put on their albums and played them really loud, not the best concert experience. As far as the Belle & Sebastian tracks go, check, I’m pretty sure they are planning to put those up in the near future.

  4. “A note about the show: No Neko (I hear she has some sorta new album out or something). And vocalist Kathryn Calder had laryngitis.”
    I’m totally psychic – I had a dream about this last night. Except then my old teacher had to fill in as the female vocalist… Anyway.

    They’re not coming to Denver, either.

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