Category Archives: video

Baby Dayliner “Silent Places” video

You know, Baby Dayliner’s Critics Pass Away (Brassland) is one of my favorite albums of the year. It’s not like anything you’ll hear this year, and maybe next. A friend at Brassland tells me Baby Dayliner, who has a loyal following in New York, will be heading out on dates with Mobius Band, including opening spots for the National’s West Coast swing.

Check out the video for Silent Places, directed by Daniel Bloomberg. And peep the cameo by Adrian Grenier of Entourage fame (or is that of Drive Me Crazy fame?).

10 questions with Baby Dayliner.
Pics from Baby Dayliner opening for the National.

Silversun Pickups’ “Well Thought Out Twinkles” video

Here’s the video for the first single from the forthcoming Silversun Pickups LP Carnavas (due out July 25 on Dangerbird Records). Directed by Philip Andelman, the video isn’t an over-the-top production, but it more grabs attention with a striking use of color (or lack thereof). It’s shot in this somewhat blurred black and white until about midway when the instruments and players are infused with random bright colors. The final minute or so gets all flashy and dizzy, matching pace with the song’s excited finish.

Meanwhile, check out Silversun’s newly redesigned Web site.

(Thanks to Ben, who helped a brother out with some coding on the video embedding. Also, visit Ben to view the video for Gnarls Barkley’s Smiley Faces.)

UPDATE: The embedded video was making for slow page loads. But, you can check out the video here.

Silversun Pickups Well Thought Out Twinkles (mp3)

July 4th doings and what not

So, did everyone have their fill of burgers, hot dogs and Twilight Zone marathon? Oh, man. I love the Twilight Zone. Favorite episode? Probably this one.

But that’s beside the point. We had some grillin’ and booze and even Mr. Marathonpacks was in the hizzouse. He’s out here, helping his super-cool girlfriend settle in for her move. Two days of 100-plus-degree weather probably made them both wonder what they were thinking. But we had plenty of this and this. Despite what you’ve heard on the Information Superhighway, Eric is about the nicest guy you’ll meet. He also plays a mean frisbee.

Anyway, we had some friends over and, somehow, the conversation turned to one of my favorite comedians, Louis C.K. I have yet to watch his HBO show Lucky Louie, but I’m setting the Tivo today. I did find this interview with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show somewhat, um, hilarious. … Sorry, music to come later today:

Radar Bros. “Papillon” video

If you’ve come here with any regularity, you might have noticed me talk about the Radar Bros. before. Yeah, I really dig them. Like, um, a lot. I know Brian is into them, too. But I can’t figure out why they don’t get more blog love. Oh well.

Their Falling Leaf Pages was one of my favorite albums of 2005, and I stumbled across the video for Papillon. It’s directed by bassist Senon Williams. I love how the fast-forward-like movement of the video sort of balances the steady tempo of the song. It also has this home video feel: kinda grainy and jumpy.


Favorite albums of 2005.
Revisiting the Radar Bros.

New Division Day video: “Hurricane”

We here at So Much Silence have been working hard to get LA’s Division Day out to Phoenix to share a bill with sourceVictoria. We think we’re getting closer. That said, we’ve been in touch quite a bit with DD drummer Kevin Lenhart, who sent along the link for the group’s new video for Hurricane, off the band’s recently released Beartrap Island.

Directed by Chris Levitus (who directed The Big Switch video for Radiohead), the Hurricane video “was shot for practically nothing last August in two days, using a camera and film yoinked from the set of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel,” Lenhart says.

Ha! “Yoinked.” I’m going to work that word into my everyday vocabulary. In the meantime, the video … and, oh, buy Beartrap Island.

Lupe Fiasco “Kick Push” video

Oh, man, this year is shaping up to be pretty phenomenal for hip-hop. If you haven’t been keeping up, let’s tick off a few of my favorites so far: Murs’ Murray’s Revenge; The Coup’s Pick a Bigger Weapon; People Under the Stairs’ Stepfather; Soul Position’s Things Go Better With RJ and Al … to name a few.

Now, Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor is due this summer, and if Kick Push is any indication, this album might be off the hook (is that what the kids say?). My boy Ben tipped me off about Lupe Fiasco a few weeks ago and I didn’t really pay heed until I saw the video for Kick Push this past Sunday.

The track, if you haven’t heard it (and why haven’t you?), is about skating. Yep. Skateboards are the new Hummers. I was never much of a skater myself. I dabbled. Had a Steve Caballero board. Also once had a Lance Mountain deck. I could ollie. Not on a dime, though.

Skating is one of those things … if I ever had a choice of what to be really good at, that would be one of them. Skating skills. Because girls like guys with skills. So I’m lovin’ Kick Push. Together with Say Yes, this summer has the jams!

Check the video. (I’m trying this whole embed a You Tube video for the first time):

Saturday is for … videos?

Today’s post title is inspired by the great Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands, where Saturday is actually for covers, a great feature for the weekends, when not too many folks are posting.

Combined with the fact that I’ve yet to really explore the world of music videos on this site (mostly because a couple of my peeps already do that quite skillfully), I’m going to attempt to make Saturdays a day for videos. I’ve got some old VHS tapes that need transferring to digital format, so hopefully this will inspire me to do that.

Videos certainly take a certain amount of patience and concentration. More than that, though, watching videos is mostly a stationary exercise, unless, of course, you own a video iPod (which I do not). That’s probably part of the reason I’ve neglected posting videos on this site. Listening to music, as opposed to watching it, allows for a certain amount of multitasking. Videos pretty much require your undivided attention. Me, I’m an antsy person. I like to move, even if I’m not really going anywhere in particular. Ben, Eric and, more recently, Chad have grabbed my attention by posting videos. So … why not give it a shot?

Anyway, today’s selection is for The Raconteurs’ Steady, As She Goes, and although I don’t quite have the credentials to pass a critical eye on video direction, this is a grainy, motion-sickness-inducing piece of visual art. Love the song, but seriously, pass the Dramamine.

More disconcerting: What’s with the top hat Brendan Benson is wearing?

Here’s the QuickTime link for the video.

Elbow: Get the new album a week early

I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again: I’m a big Elbow fan. In fact, I was just listening to Asleep in the Back yesterday at work. The group’s new album, Leaders of the Free World, is coming out Sept. 12.

Elbow’s label, V2, is offering the album exclusively a week before the release date through TellJack. Visit TellJack here and you can pre-order the album in digital or CD format and receive the content a week before Sept. 12. Packages include free bonus material, including videos for Station Approach and Forget Myself.

Check out the video for Forget Myself here (via Filter).

Pete Miser video

Thanks to Mallie at South of Mainstream, I’m already a huge fan of underground hip-hopper Pete Miser now. I posted on him just about a week ago and I’ve been listening to his latest LP Camouflage is Relative non-stop.

Yesterday, I stumbled across a video for his song Scent of a Robot, courtesy of 15 Minutes to Live (another cool blog with clean design). A previous post there shows that Miser is Prince Paul-approved, which is all I needed to know.

Anyway, peep the video. The whole concept of the song is kind of intriguing: He finds out he’s a robot by accident through an e-mail at work. It almost has a Blade Runner influence to it: Pete Miser, a hip-hop replicant.

Pete Miser | Scent of a Robot (video)