Category Archives: arizona

Get Down! To Brass Tacks

OK, I’ve been really neglectful of local music of late. And I’d like to rectify that with a post here on Phoenix’s Get Down! To Brass Tacks (not to be confused with Gorilla vs. Bear-approved Tacks, the Boy Disaster).

Brass Tacks (for short) is a two-piece outfit: Aarik Miller (ex-Curse of the Carousel Pony) and Josh Gooday (ex-Machines Replacing Teens). The guys are about to head out on a little swing of the West Coast in support of a self-titled EP, kicking off with a show tonight at the Derby in Tempe.

I had heard of the band but never sat down to listen to its stuff until recently. And it’s really … compelling and agitating and busy and compelling (did I say that already?). I have a feeling Brass Tacks will fall into the you love them or hate them pitfall. The vocals are either really distracting or really endearing; I’m going for the latter. But then, I like Isaac Brock and Alec Ounsworth, and Miller follows in the same unnerving and wobbly vocal pattern.

For what it’s worth, the guys say their music sounds like “an egyptian woman trying to sing rock n’ roll.” Ha! They’re joking … right?

You can download three tracks a the group’s MySpace. Here’s one of them I especially like.

Get Down! To Brass Tacks | Lost in Syndication

Love it or hate it? Leave a comment!

Get Down! To Brass Tacks tour dates

Z-Trip: theme from movie “Infamy”

So, DJ Z-Trip, a favorite in these parts, has got a pretty massive update on his recent doings at his (newly redesigned) Web site. For starters, he’s parted ways with Hollywood Records, which put out his major label debut Shifting Gears (cop it here). But Z says he’s meeting with other labels who have expressed interest. Stay tuned …

In the meantime, Z-Trip is staying busy with his usual assortment of remixes and collaborations. One of his more intriguing projects that I was totally unware he was involved with is a remix of scored music for the 2005 film Infamy, a documentary that follows seven people immersed in the graffiti subculture. It’s directed by Doug Pray, who is responsible for the excellent DJ documentary Scratch, in which Z-Trip is featured prominently.

As part of the tweaking at his Web site, Z-Trip will be making music and videos available for download. His remix of the Infamy movie theme is the first. Grab it!

DJ Z-Trip | Infamy theme remix (mp3 in a zip file)

DJ Z-Trip vs. Run Run Run: “Fade Into You” (mp3)
Z-Trip’s MySpace

Sweet Bleeders/sourceVictoria on Saturday

Annie and I spent Thursday night carousing at a swank Scottsdale club – ahem, act like you’ve been here before – to celebrate the new issue of a friend’s magazine (oh, complimentary Skyy vodka drinks … you know we’re all up in that!). Then we hit our friends’ house to practice a little blackjack for our Vegas trip in August. We played spoons, too. If last night was any indication, I’m going to lose my ass on blackjack. But if they have spoons at the casino, I’m golden.

As promised, some more mp3s for the great show on Saturday night in Mesa that I, sadly, will be missing. I strongly urge anyone in the Valley to check it out: Saturday at Hollywood Alley with Sweet Bleeders, sourceVictoria, LetDownRight and Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl.

Sweet Bleeders | Betterplace

sourceVictoria | The End is Just the End

I sorta know someone in sourceVictoria … and totally proud of it.

Also …

The great Stateside Presents is bringing the Clientele to the Rhythm Room on Aug. 17 and Centro-Matic to Modified on Sept. 2.

Centro-Matic | Triggers and Trash Heaps

Saturday @ Hollywood Alley, Mesa

It’s been a minute since I’ve talked up the local scene here in Phoenix. There’s a great show Saturday in Mesa that, sadly, I will be unable to attend. Jobs that require working on nights and weekends are the pits.

Anyway, the lineup is as follows: Sweet Bleeders, LetDownRight, sourceVictoria and Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl. (I’ve been unable to find any Web presence for LetDownRight, which features former Trunk Federation front man Jim Andreas.)

I’m aiming to post some mp3s from all bands by Saturday. To start, here’s a taste of Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl, a duo from Bisbee, a former copper-rich mining town in the isolated southeast corner of Arizona. That could help explain Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl’s sparse, acoustic fare.

Check out more at 727 Records.

Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl | Lung Lady
Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl | Juneberry

Murs and Z-Trip redux

In a somewhat bizarre coincidence, I posted back-to-back days this about Murs and Z-Trip, totally oblivious to the fact that the pair had collaborated on a sampler CD based off Murs’ album The End of the Beginning. The two also hooked up on Z-Trip’s Shifting Gears for the good-time track Breakfast Club. (It’s about cereal. Seriously … cereal-ously? Yeah, that’s a stretch.)

Well, my man Jay set me straight (Funkfinger, holla!) and hooked me up with the goods from the sampler disc. Peep the tweaked track, God’s Work (one of my faves from End), with Z dropping some Queen up in the place. Damn.

Murs | God’s Work (mixed by Z-Trip)

Z-Trip feat. Murs and Supernatural | Breakfast Club

Meanwhile … we’re off to Tucson for a wedding. Which reminds me, June 15 at Solar Culture in Tucson: Tapes ‘n Tapes (fresh with their new record contract), Cold War Kids and Figurines. Don’t even get me started about why I have to drive two hours to Tucson to see this instead of staying right here in Phoenix.

DJ Z-Trip vs. Run Run Run: “Fade Into You”

I’ve sung the praises here before about DJ Z-Trip, who honed his skills in the Phoenix/Tempe scene and moved on to bigger and better things (Shifting Gears, anyone?) in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I missed him roll through town this past Saturday, but this track is tiding me over for the time being.

This cut pretty much exemplifies what I admire most about Z (yeah, we’re on a first-initial basis): He mixes a cover of a Mazzy Star song by a group I’ve never heard of, thereby introducing me to a new band while concocting another stellar remix.

I’ve had the opportunity to interview Z a few times, and the one time that stands out most was when I visited a his “office” in Tempe. Basically, the place was wall to wall in records, organized by some insane filing system, like beats per minute, that was beyond my grasp. His willingness to experiment knows no bounds, and if you don’t believe me, you might try listening to some of his mixes. Uneasy Listening with DJ P comes highly recommended.

Z-Trip vs. Run Run Run | Fade Into You

sourceVictoria Saturday night in PHX

My job, much as I enjoy it, requires I work at night. Which means I miss quite a few social gatherings, including many a good show. It also means I’ve seen my brother’s band, sourceVictoria, only about a paltry three times, which disappoints me greatly.

You’ve read me gushing about sV before. It has only a little to do with the fact that I admire my brother so. More than that, it’s that I believe in his band a great deal. So good for so many reasons. The music will say more than I can.

Anyway, anyone in Phoenix should go Saturday night to the Paper Heart, where sourceVictoria (MySpace, biyatches) will be playing with the Minibosses and Quarter Inch Crown. Go, because I can’t and I’ll be regretting every precious moment.

sourceVictoria | Burn the Pianos
sourceVictoria | The End is Just the End (this gets my highest seal of approval)

Reubens Accomplice/Dopamine split EP

Great news on the local front in Arizona: Western Tread Recordings has released a split six-song EP with Reubens Accomplice (Arizona) and Dopamine (UK).

I can’t vouch for Dopamine because I haven’t listened, but I can say with confidence that Reubens is an excellent band. Check out a previous post here. According to Reubens’ Web site, the group is working feverishly on a follow-up LP to The Bull, The Balloon and The Family; it’s tentatively titled Mammal Music.

In the meantime, buy the split EP for a mere $5 at Stinkweeds. The three songs from Reubens contain two new tracks, and the third was the hidden song on The Bull, with vocals and guitars from Jimmy Eat World’s Jim Adkins. (I’d offer you that track, but I’d rather you buy the EP; I’m heading to Stinkweeds today to get it.)

Reubens Accomplice | Lost Sun
Reubens Accomplice | Tonight We Drink
(feat. Howe Gelb)

Also …

Coming Feb. 23 to the Paper Heart, our iPod DJ night. Peep the logo … flyers will be distributed shortly. If you’re in Arizona, check it out. Doors open @ 7 p.m. E-mail if you wanna get up and spin your 15 minutes.

Feb. 23: Secret Life of Painters and iSpin

I’ve got some excellent news, especially for anyone reading this from Arizona. Our local pals, Secret Life of Painters, have invited Royce and I to debut a night that I had only just started concocting in my head last week: iSpin.

In essence, it’s an iPod DJ night. People are invited to bring their iPods (or other mp3 players) to rock a 12- or 15-minute set of songs of their choosing. (Anyone without an mp3 player is welcome to use the one I will be providing for the evening.) If you got skills, there will be a mixer to fade in and out of songs.

It’s democracy for the digital age. We’re inviting anyone to show off their musical elitism in front of all to hear. Our hope is to build this into a bi-weekly or monthly gig with prizes (iTunes or eMusic gifts perhaps?) for the best sets.

We’re scratching out a design for a logo and a Web site, where we’ll post the playlists and even make some mp3s available played from those sets. For now, here are the preliminary details:

Feb. 23, 8 pm-ish at The Paper Heart. Secret Life of Painters are headlining the night then will hand it over to the MP3Js. More to come as details flow in. So if you live in Arizona, spread the word!

Major thanks to SLP. Get a taste below:

Secret Life of Painters | Fast Black Rats
Secret Life of Painters | Magnets and Energy